10 Maayo, 1909, Golaha Magaalada Seattle wuxuu ansixiyay codsi ka yimi Wakiilada Guddiga Beerta si ay u bilaabaan tallaabooyin sharci si ay ugu helaan Gacanka Bailey – goob mustaqbalka Beerta Seward - - dhaleecayn. Magaalada iyo xaqleyaasha hantidu waxay bilaabeen wada xaajood iib 1908 laakiin way ku fashilmeen inay heshiin ka gaadhaan qiimaha. Iyadoo dhaleecaynaysa hantida, magaaladu waxay isticmaashay xaqa ay u leedahay inay ku doodo lahaansho iyadoo daliishnaysa qodobka xaqa qaadashada handi gaar ah (awooda dawladdu u leedahay inay u qaadato hanti gaar ah ujeedooyin caama), oo qiimahana uu go’aan ka gaadhayo, qiimeeye saddexaad oo madaxbannaan.
Golaha Magaalada Seattle wuxuu bilaabay hab dhaleecayn ah si uu ugu helo goob Beerta Seward mustaqbalka 10 Maayo, 1909.
- By Cassandra Tate
- Posted 9/05/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9563
"Request of Park Board Trustees for Condemnation of Bailey Peninsula for Park Purposes" (filed April 30, 1909, No. 36749), "Report of Corporation Counsel in Regard to Bailey Peninsula" (filed March 31, 1910, No. 40560); "Communication from Park Board in Regard to Condemnation of Bailey Peninsula" (filed June 20, 1910, No. 40770), and "Request of Board of Park Commissioners that City Council Pass an Ordinance Condemning Certain Property in Maynard’s Lake Washington Addition for Opening Up a Street from Mt. Baker Park to Bailey Peninsula" (filed December 31, 1910, No. 42416), Comptroller/Clerk Files, City Documents Collection, Seattle Municipal Archives, Seattle; Kathy Mulady, "City Celebrates Park Pioneer Olmsted," Seattle Post Intelligencer, April 2, 2003 (www.seattlepi.com); Donald Sherwood, "Seward Park -- History," December 3, 1973, in Sherwood Park History Files, Seattle Parks and Recreation website accessed September 2010 (http://www.seattle.gov/PARKS/history/sherwood.htm); Paul Talbert, "The History of Seward Park," Seattle Friends of Seward Park website accessed September 2010 (www.sewardpark.org).
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