Kooxda Royal Esquire waa koox Maraykan African ah oo gaar ah ee Seattle. Wax aasaasay shan nin oo da’ yaryar 1947 maadaama oo ayna jirin meel soo dhawayneed magaalada halkaas oo ragga madawga ahi ay isku bulsheeyaan. Qolal waa loo heli karayay shacabka iyo kooxaha bulshada si ay ula kulmaan. Kooxda Xeegada ee Gobolka Fir iyo kooxda LiClique waxay ahayeen laba kooxood oo halkaas ugu kulmi jiray joogto. Wakhtigii xuquuqda shacabka, hogaamiyeyaasha qaar dhaqdhaqaaqa ka mida ayaa la arkayay halkaa iyagoo xeelado ku dejinaya. Kalluun shiilan, chitlin struts, iyo creole gumbo casho lacagta la iska ururiyay. In ka badan 60 sano kooxdu waxay raadinaysay siyaabo ay bulshada wax fiican ugu kordhiso iyadoo jawi caddaalad ah lagu jiro. Maanta Kooxdda Royal Esquire waxay ku taal Goobta Raineir 5016 ee Magaalada Columbia.
Kooxda Royal Esquire, (Seatle)
- By Mary T. Henry
- Posted 8/14/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9522
Royal Esquire Club website accessed August 5, 2010 (http://www.royalesquiresclub.com/); Stewart Eskanazi, “Gentlemen of the Club,” The Seattle Times Magazine, November 26, 2000; “African American Business Community Honors Successes,” The Seattle Times, January 24, 1995; “Governor to Address Business Group,” The Seattle Times, January 22, 1995; “Test Drive on Hi Tech Highway,” The Seattle Times, May 2, 1994; “Club Will Sponsor Benefit for Somalia,” The Seattle Times, May 19, 1992; “Rice Promotes Economic Renaissance,” The Seattle Times, January 15, 1992; “Royal Esquires Opened its Doors to the Public on Election Night,” The Stranger, November 5, 2008; Mary Henry interview with Lincoln Grazette, Seattle, July 23, 2010; Mary Henry interview with Marvin Vanderhost, Seattle, July 2010; Oral history of Lincoln Grazette (transcribed oral history), Black Heritage Society Archives, Museum of Industry & History, Seattle; “Royal Esquires Club Entertains,” The Facts, February 15, 1963; “Nite Life,” The Facts, March 15, 1963; “Esquire Fashion Show to Hi-Lite Dad’s Day,” The Facts, May 31, 1963; “Royal Esquire News,” The Facts, October 18, November 1, November 21, November 27, December 5, December 12, December 26, 1963, February 6, April 1, 1964.
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