皇家绅士俱乐部 (Royal Esquire Club) 是西雅图的一家私营非裔美国人男子私人俱乐部。该俱乐部于 1947 年由五个年轻男士创建,因为当时在这个城市没有可供黑人进行社交活动的友好场所。这里有房间可供市民和社交俱乐部聚会使用。杉木国家高尔夫俱乐部 (Fir State Golf Club) 和 LaClique 俱乐部两大团体的会员定期在此聚会。在民权运动时期,经常看到一些民权运动领袖在此谋划策略。这里提供炸鱼条、著名的传统食品及活动 Chitlin Struts,并举行克里奥尔式筹资晚餐。大约 60 多年来,该俱乐部在合作互助的氛围下积极为社区发展做出贡献。现在,皇家绅士俱乐部位于哥伦比亚市雷尼尔南大街 (Rainier Avenue S) 5016 号。
- By Mary T. Henry
- Posted 8/14/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9522
Royal Esquire Club website accessed August 5, 2010 (http://www.royalesquiresclub.com/); Stewart Eskanazi, “Gentlemen of the Club,” The Seattle Times Magazine, November 26, 2000; “African American Business Community Honors Successes,” The Seattle Times, January 24, 1995; “Governor to Address Business Group,” The Seattle Times, January 22, 1995; “Test Drive on Hi Tech Highway,” The Seattle Times, May 2, 1994; “Club Will Sponsor Benefit for Somalia,” The Seattle Times, May 19, 1992; “Rice Promotes Economic Renaissance,” The Seattle Times, January 15, 1992; “Royal Esquires Opened its Doors to the Public on Election Night,” The Stranger, November 5, 2008; Mary Henry interview with Lincoln Grazette, Seattle, July 23, 2010; Mary Henry interview with Marvin Vanderhost, Seattle, July 2010; Oral history of Lincoln Grazette (transcribed oral history), Black Heritage Society Archives, Museum of Industry & History, Seattle; “Royal Esquires Club Entertains,” The Facts, February 15, 1963; “Nite Life,” The Facts, March 15, 1963; “Esquire Fashion Show to Hi-Lite Dad’s Day,” The Facts, May 31, 1963; “Royal Esquire News,” The Facts, October 18, November 1, November 21, November 27, December 5, December 12, December 26, 1963, February 6, April 1, 1964.
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