1964 年,萨摩亚人在西雅图东南部建立了萨摩亚第一基督教公理教会 (First Samoan Christian Congregational Church)。他们选举佛拉萨蒂亚利为教会的牧师。萨摩亚人的第二大圣会是于 1971 年成立的萨摩亚第一神召会 (First Samoan Assembly of God)。在此之后,西雅图的萨摩亚教会蓬勃发展,并为萨摩亚人提供圣经研究和服务。这些教会将家人和朋友联系在一起,帮助他们继承传统的萨摩亚价值观, 如服从长辈、家庭对儿童的养育、关爱社区成员等。教会在初期阶段比较保守,他们只接触教友及其家人,但是后来他们开始逐渐接触社区里的其他人以及需要帮助 的人。
萨摩亚社区于 1964 年建立了他们在西雅图地区的第一个教会
- By Kathleen Kemezis
- Posted 11/30/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9651
David B. Berrian, "The Samoan Community in Seattle: A Needs Assessment," 1980, City of Seattle, Department of Human Resources; "Defending The Faith: Christianity Has Deep Roots in Samoa, but ...," Time International, August 20, 2001, p. 46; J. Jensen, "Pasefika Helps Celebrate Pacific Islanders' Heritage," The Seattle Times, August 13, 2004, p. E-2; Kathleen Kemezis telephone interview with Pastor Washington Talaga, November 19, 2010, Seattle; Lydia Ruth Dougherty Kotchek. “Adaptive Strategies of an Invisible Ethnic Minority, the Samoan Population of Seattle, Washington” (Ph.D. diss., University of Washington, 1975); Barbara Burns McGrath, “Seattle Fa'a Samoa (Samoans in Seattle, Washington),” The Contemporary Pacific Vol. 14, No. 2 (Fall 2002); Ron Redmond, “Samoans Struggle to Adapt Youngsters Turning to Drugs, Crime,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 30, 1989, p. A-1; Andrew E. Robson, "Malietoa, Williams and Samoa's Embrace of Christianity" Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 44 (2009), p. 21-39; Logologo Sa’au, “Serving the Samoan Community with Faith,” The International Examiner, April 21, 2004, p. 11; Bob Shimabukuro, “Samoan Church on the Move,” The International Examiner, April 21, 2004, p. 11; Jim Simon, “The Samoan Way -- Preserving Old Traditions in a New Land Hasn’t Come without Cost to a Community,” The Seattle Times, February 28, 1988, p. E-1.
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