Garoonka Xeegada ee Jefferson Park waxa la furay Maayo 1915. Wuxuu ahaa garoonkii xeegada ee dawladda hoose lahayd ee ugu horeeyey ee Seattle iyo garoonkii xeegada ee saddexaad degmada King. Garoonku wuxuu ku yaalaa Goobta S Minnaarad 4101 ee agagaarka Taagga Minnaaradda Seattle. Sannadkiisii u horeeyey, 26,309 qof ayaa ku ciyaaray Jefferson Park 18 kiisa god. Maanta, garoonka wuxuu cabbirkiisu yahay 6,182 tallaabo waxaanu leeyahay meelo tabobarasho iyo 27 god. In ka badan 60,000 oo wareeg xeeggo ayaa lagu qabtaa sannad kasta. Ilaa intii la furay, garoonka xeegadu wuxuu u adeegay dadka deggen seattle iyo soo booqdayaasha dhammaan qoomiyadaha iyo heerarka dakhliyada laga soo bilaabo horyaalka feedhka miisaanka culus Joe Louis 1936 ilaa Tiger Woods ka 16 jirada ah 1992, ka soo bilaw xubnihii u horeeyey ee Kooxda Xeegada Shiinaha Seattle 1950ii ilaa xubnihii Maraykanka madaw ee Kooxda Xeegada Gobolka Fir ilaa ardaydii ururka aan macaashdoonka ahayn ee Tee-da u Horaysa ee maanta.
Garoonka Xeegada Dawladda Hoose ee Jefferson Park
- By David Wilma and Catherine Hinchliff
- Posted 2/24/2001
- Essay 3015
Don Sherwood, "Jefferson Park Golf Course," in "Interpretive Essays of the Histories of Seattle's Parks and Playfields," Handwritten bound manuscript dated 1977, Seattle Room, Seattle Public Library; “Renovated Driving Range to Open Saturday,” The Seattle Times, October 7, 1998, p. D-7; J. Martin McOmber, “City-owned Golf Courses Struggle -- Seattle, Management Firm Look for Answers as Use Declines,” The Seattle Times, March 28, 2002, p. B-2; Blaine Newham, “Future Bright, But Muni Golf Troubles Some,” The Seattle Times, July 7, 1996, p. D-7; Madeline McKenzie, “Once Overlooked, Now Looking Good -- Neighborhood of the Week,” The Seattle Times, February 1, 2009, p. E-1; David Schaefer, “New ‘Hazard’ -- Jefferson Park Golf Area to Be Declared Waste-Disposal Site,” The Seattle Times, July 13, 1985, p. A-1; Blaine Newham, “Tiger Can Play; Now, Others Can, Too,” The Seattle Times, September 1, 1992, p. D-1; Blaine Newham, “City Missing the Mark on Golf,” The Seattle Times, March 27, 1994, p. D-4; John Peoples, “City Greens Soaked in Red Ink -- Seattle’s Contract with the People Who Run Its Municipal Golf Courses is Unusually Generous to the Concessionaire, But Rough on the Tax Payers,” The Seattle Times, June 13, 1993, p. C-1; “Seattle Parks -- City Golf Courses Shouldn’t Be Turned Over to Nonprofit Group,” The Seattle Times, July 16, 1994, p. A-11; David Schaefer, “Jefferson Park at Crossroads? Neighbors Want Say in Golf-Course Plan,” The Seattle Times, September 3, 1998, p. B-1; Scott Hanson, “Homecoming 2010 -- Fred Couples,” The Seattle Times, April 28, 2010, p. C-3; John H. Dreher, “Mayor Opens Links with Half-Iron Shot -- Jefferson Park Course One of Finest in Entire Country,” The Seattle Daily Times, May 13, 1915, p. 15; “Sam Hill Heard by Local Park Board,” The Seattle Daily Times, May 29, 1915, p. 11; “Vandals Dig Up Newly Renovated Jefferson Golf Course,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 6, 2004, p. B-3; Dan Raley, “Laid-Back Atmosphere and Worldly Charm Define Fred Couples’ Boyhood Hangout,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 28, 2004, p. F-7; Dan Raley, “First Tee Takes Youth of Seattle Under Wing,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 9, 2003, p. F-9; Angelo Bruscas, “Corporation Takes Over City Courses July 1,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 21, 1995, p. D-1; George Quibuyen interview with Frank Chin, December 11, 2002, Seattle; “Jefferson Park Golf Course,” Premier Golf Centers L.L.C. website accessed November 30, 2010 (; Seattle Parks & Recreation, Seattle Parks & Recreation Golf Master Plan, May 2009. Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History, “The Seattle Chinese Golf Club (Seattle Cascade Golf Club) is founded in 1951” (by Elise Fogel), and “Olmsted Parks in Seattle” (by David B. Williams), and “Fir State Golf Club is founded in Seattle in 1947” (by Elise Fogel), and “Golf Arrives in Seattle in 1895” (by David Wilma), and “Seattle retires chain gang and opens the Municipal Workhouse and Stockade on Beacon Hill on July 1, 1909” (by David Wilma) (accessed November 29, 2010).
Note: This essay was substantially revised and expanded in November 2010.
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