Beacon Hill waxay dusha ka eegtaa suuqa hoose ee Seattle dhinaca koonfur-bari waxana lagu gartaa sarta ka kooban 16ka dabaq ee Xarunta Caafimaadka Baasifik taasoo ka muuqata dhinaceeda waqooyi. Taagu wuxuu u fidaakoonfur-bari kana soo fidaa First Hill oo u dhaxaysa Duwamish River iyo Rainier Valley wuxuu sare u kacaa 350 fiit. Sida ay u muuqato Beacon Hill inay u dhawdahay suuqa hoose ee Seattle. Inkasta oo ay xaafada Beacon Hill ku dhowdahay suuqa hoose ee Seattle, hadana jugraafigu wuxuu xukumay inay xaafadaasi noqoto mid ka duwan suuqa hoose ee Seattle. Taaga waxa laga sameeyay deegana kala firiqsan, horraantii 1850dii, laakiin wuxuu sii ahaaday mid aan la dhisin tobanaan sano. Ninka ku jiray ciidamadii Midowga, isla markaana ahaa nin dhulka dhisa, ee la yidhaa. M. Harwood Young (1846 – 1913) ayaa buurta ku magacaabay Beacon Hill isaga oo ugu magic daraya xaafada taariikhiga ah ee ku taal Boostan ee la yidhaa Beacon Hill. Waxaanu ka dhisay tareenka korantada ku socda oo ku xidhaya xaafaddaa suuqa hoose. Tiirooyinka sakadaha Jackson iyo Dearborn ayuu ka jaray taaga si ay u fududaato ka imaanshaha suuqa hoose ee Rainier Valley, oo u baahanaysa biriish marka la tagayo Beacon Hill ee ku yaala 12th Avenue S. Ceelasha nidaamka biyaha Webiga Cedar ee magaalada waxa laga dhisay dusha taaga (halkaasoo ceel yar hore looga qabtay biyaha Lake Washington), dhulka ku xigaana wuxuu noqday Garoonka Xeegada Jeffeson Park. Cusbitaalka Ciidamada Badda Maraykanka (markii dambe Xarunta Caafimaadka Baasifik) waxa la dhisay 1930dii. Kadib Dagaalkii II ee Adduunka, cusbitaal wayn oo rug-cadaayada ciidanka ah ayaa laga dhisay Jefferson Park figta buurta yar. Dariiqa wayn ee magaalooyinka waawayn isku xidha ayaa loo jaray jiirada galbeed ee Beacon Hill 1960dii.
Xaafadaha Seattle: Beacon Hill – Taariikh Kooban
- By David Wilma
- Posted 2/21/2001
- Essay 3004
Duwamish Diary (Seattle: Cleveland High School, 1949), 90-109; Greg Lange, "King County's First White Settlers," Cyberpedia Library, Website (; Alan J. Stein, "Beacon Hill Library and its Neighborhood," Ibid.; David Wilma, "Sand Point Naval Air Station: 1920-1970," Ibid., "Seattle's first military road is completed in 1860," Timeline Library, Ibid.; "Seattle pesthouse shelters 27 smallpox patients on December 26, 1892," Ibid.; "Interstate 5 completed from Everett to Tacoma on January 31, 1967," Ibid.; "Chicano activists occupy abandoned school that becomes El Centro on October 11, 1972," Ibid.; Clarence Bagley, The History of Seattle, (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1916), 357-363; James Bush, "Prickly Holly," The Weekly, March 11-17, 1999, (; "Pac Med: Looking Back," Pacific Medical Centers Website (; Nina Shapiro, "Dressing up the Projects," Ibid., December 23-29, 1999; Don Sherwood, "Jefferson Park Golf Course," Interpretive Essays on Seattle Parks, Vol. 3, (Seattle: Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, 1974); J. Martin McOmber, "Amazon Searches for Big Office Digs," The Seattle Times, February 8, 2005 (; Eric Pryne, " Wright Runstad Faces Foreclosure on Former Amazon HQ," Ibid., September 27, 2011.
Note: This essay was corrected (date of the U.S. Marine Hospital) on June 29, 2007, and was updated and revised on October 31, 2011; it was again corrected on January 13, 2012.
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