Topic: Civil War in Washington
The Civil War started with the Confederate shelling of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, on April 12, 1861. Washington Territory was just under eight years old and more than a quarter ...
Junius Rochester gave this talk on Southerners resident in the Pacific Northwest during the Civil War on March 1, 2008, at the Pacific Northwest Historians Guild Annual Conference, Museum of History a...
The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a fraternal organization of Union Army veterans formed after the Civil War (1861-1865) for the "defense of the late soldiery of the United States, morally, ...
In the early 1900s Washington had 20 living Medal of Honor recipients. They had come to the state seeking opportunities or they retired from military service here and stayed. Some became active in loc...
The tradition of remembering the dead in Washington every May 30 came west along with veterans of the Civil War's Union Army and was named both Memorial Day and Decoration Day. Originally an annual ob...
As Washington's first territorial governor, Isaac Stevens oversaw the establishment of government in what would become Washington state. He also led the survey of a route to Puget Sound for a transcon...
Dr. John Wesley Waughop is the eponym of Waughop Lake in Lakewood's Fort Steilacoom Park. He was the superintendent of what was in past times called the Washington State Hospital for the Insane. It is...