King County Historical Bibliography, Part 11: Seattle Neighborhoods

  • Posted 11/23/2004
  • Essay 7153
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This bibliography on Seattle Neighborhoods was prepared as a community history resource by staff of the former King County Office of Cultural Resources, now 4Culture (King County Cultural Development Authority). It was last revised in June 1999.


King County Landmarks and Heritage Program, King County Office of Cultural Resources
506 Second Avenue, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98104-2307 (206) 296-7580, 1-800-325-6165 V/TDD


The following bibliography is intended to assist researchers who are interested in Seattle's Neighborhood History locate some of the more accessible sources. The principal focus of this study is on local history and neighborhood heritage resources, rather than on technical topics relating to historic preservation, historical technique, research methodology or public policy issues. It is freely acknowledged that a full-scale bibliography on Seattle history would be of considerable proportions, much beyond the scope of the present work. Several categories are included here for convenient research, including those for geographical quadrants of the city, certain neighborhoods such as the Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square, ethnic heritage, architecture and thematic heritage. Quadrants are defined by the Interstate 5 Freeway north and south and the north line of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Lake Union east and west. Although this system is somewhat arbitrary, it has been of some utility in organizing the data. In order to keep the project manageable it has not been possible to include all of the oldest Seattle histories, relevant biographies, government documents, or the histories of individual buildings, organizations, churches and institutions, of which there are many. Listings for ethnic groups, architecture and historic themes such as the arts might literally fill volumes of citations, and some work has already been done in certain areas. Many of the books and studies listed here contain their own bibliographic references, which will be found to be the best for particular areas of research. Information about guides to archives, libraries, museums and other repositories is available by contacting the King County Landmarks and Heritage Program at the address given above. Bibliographies for general King County history, County Planning Areas and several historical themes relating to the County are available from the same source.

Papers in this series are maintained in electronic format. They are revised and updated periodically as new information becomes available.


Anderson, Mary, The Neighborhood Search Guide, (Seattle, 1981) Museum of History and Industry and King County Council of Campfire (for primary students).

Andrus, A. Phillip et al., Seattle, (Cambridge, 1976) Ballinger Publishing Co.

Bagley, Clarence B., History of Seattle, 3 Vols., (Seattle, 1916) S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.

------ History of King County, Washington, 4 Vols. (Chicago, 1929) S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., reprinted 1976, White River Valley Historical Society, Auburn.

Bass, Sophie Frye, When Seattle Was a Village, (Seattle, 1947) Lowman & Hanford.

------Pigtail Days in Old Seattle, (Portland [OR], 1932) Binsford & Mort.

Beaton, Welford, The City That Made Itself, (Seattle, 1914) Seattle Terminal Publishing Company.

Berner, Richard C., Seattle, 1900-1920: From Boomtown, Urban Turbulence, to Restoration, (Seattle, 1991) Charles Press.

------Seattle, 1921-1940: From Boom to Bust, (Seattle, 1992) Charles Press.

Boswell, Sharon and Lorraine McConaghy, 100 Years of a Newspaper and Its Region (Seattle Times Centennial Project), 1997 Seattle, Seattle Times Company.

Brambilla, Roberto and Gianni Longo, Learning From Seattle, (N.Y., 1979) Institute for Environmental Action.

Broderick, Henry, The "HB" Story: Henry Broderick Relates Seattle's Yesterdays With Some Other Thoughts By The Way, (Seattle, 1969) Frank McCaffery Publishing.

Buerge, David, Seattle in the 1880s, (Seattle, 1986) Historical Society of Seattle and King County.

Cline, Scott, ed., A Guide to the Archives of the City of Seattle, (Seattle, 1988) Seattle Office of the Comptroller (updated and available on line at 

------ and Richard H. Engeman, Seattle A to Y: A Historical Lexicon, 1998, American Historical Asociation.

Denny, Emily Inez, Blazing The Way, (Seattle, 1909) Rainier Printing Co., reprinted, Historical Society of Seattle and King County.

Dorpat, Paul, 294 Glimpses of Historic Seattle, (Seattle, 1981) Mayor's Small Business Task Force.

------494 More Glimpses of Historic Seattle, (Seattle, 1982) Mother Wit Press.

------Seattle Now and Then, Vol. I, (Seattle, 1982) Tartu Publications.

------Seattle Now and Then, Vol. II, Seattle 1984) Tartu Publications.

Friedman, Marsha, Neighborhood Profiles: Seattle's Communities Close Up, (Seattle, 1986) Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Hanford, Cornelius H., Seattle and Environs, 1852-1924, 3 vols. (Seattle, 1924) Seattle Pioneer Publishing Company.

Jones, Nard, Seattle, (Garden City NY, 1972) Doubleday & Co.

Morgan, Murray, Skid Road: An Informal Portrait of Seattle, (New York, 1951) Viking Press

(many subsequent editions).

Morgan, Roland, Seattle Then & Now, (Orinda CA, 1979) Bodima Publishing Co.

Nelson, Gerald B., Seattle: The Life and Times of an American City, (N.Y., 1977) Alfred A. Knopf.

Neuberger, Richard L., "Seattle Slave and Master," in Our Fair City, ed. by Robert S. Allen, (N.Y., 1947) Vanguard Press.

Newell, Gordon and Don Sherwood, Totem Tales of Old Seattle, (Seattle, 1956) Superior Publishing Co.

Newell, Gordon, Westward to Alki: The Story of David and Louisa Denny, (Seattle, 1977) Superior Publishing Co.

Perry, George Sessions, "Seattle," chapter 13 in Cities of America, (N.Y. ) Whittlesey House/McGraw Hill Book Company.

Potts, Ralph Bushnell, Seattle Heritage, (Seattle, 1955) Superior Publishing Co.

Prosch, Thomas W., "A Chronological History of Seattle from 1850-1895", manuscript on file, Seattle Public Library.

Roe, Jo Ann, Seattle Uncovered, (Plano [TX], 1996) Seaside Press, Wordware Inc.

Sale, Roger, Seattle Past To Present, (Seattle, 1976) University of Washington Press.

Satterfield, Archie, "A Chronology of Seattle's History," in The Seattle Guidebook, ninth ed. (Old Saybrook [CT], 1995), Globe Pequot Press.

Sayre, J. Willis, This City of Ours, (Seattle, 1936) Seattle School District No.1.

Schmid, Calvin, Social Trends in Seattle, (Seattle, 1944) University of Washington Press.

Seattle Historical Society, Seattle Century 1852-1952, (Seattle, 1952) by the Society.

"Seattle Timeline," brochure, (Seattle, n.d.) Seattle Public Library

Speidel, William C., Sons of the Profits, (Seattle, 1976) Nettle Creek Publishing Co.

------, Through the Eye of the Needle, (Seattle, 1989) Nettle Creek Publishing Co.

------, Doc Maynard: The Man Who Invented Seattle, (Seattle, 1978) Nettle Creek Publishing Co.

Suffia, David and Dick Miller, Seattle's Historical Markers, (Seattle, 1973) Seattle Times Co.

Tucker, Edith A. and Delpha B. Keeton, Seattle Children Go Exploring, (Seattle, 1944) revised ed., Seattle Public Schools (for primary grades).

Warren, James R. et al., King County and Its Queen City, Seattle, (Woodland Hills CA, 1981) Windsor Publications, reprinted, 1997 as King County and the Emerald City, Seattle.

Watt, Roberta Frye, Four Wagons West: The Story of Seattle, (Portland, 1931) Binsford and Mort.


Barrett, Christine, A History of Laurelhurst, revised ed, (Seattle, 1989) by the Author.

Chapman, Isobel, Northgate Reflections, (Seattle, 1977) by the Author.

------, University Reflections, (Seattle, 1978) by the Author.

Crowley, Walt, Rites of Passage: A Memoir of the Sixties in Seattle, (Seattle, 1995) University of Washington Press.

Dubrow, Gail Lee, Maren Van Nostrand and Cathy Tuttle, Meadowbrook Community History, 1995 Seattle, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

EDAW, Survey Report, Historic Resources Survey, Properties of Naval Station Puget Sound, Sand Point, prepared for Naval Station Puget Sound, Sand Point, June, 1993, Seattle.

Kirry, Charlie, ed., Naval Station Puget Sound of Sand Point, (Seattle, 1992) U.S.Navy.

McCune, Cal, From Romance to Riot: A Seattle Memoir (Seattle, 1996) by the Author.

Neilsen, Roy, UniverCity: The Story of the University District in Seattle, (Seattle, 1986) University Lions Foundation.


Ballard Historical Society, "Historic Ballard Avenue Walking Tour", brochure, (Seattle, 1989) by the Society.

Berlow, Alexa L., Enduring Elements of Neighborhood Urban Form: The Case of the Corner Store in Wallingford, (Seattle, 1994) unpublished master of arts thesis, University of Washington.

Buetow, Michelle C., "A History of Wallingford", in Wallingford Directory: A User's Guide to Our Community, (Seattle, 1991) Wallingford Chamber of Commerce.

Dubrow, Gail Lee, Alexa Berlow and Cathy Tuttle, Broadview/Bitter Lake Community History, 1995, Seattle, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

Farley, Kristi Langlow, "Seeing Seattle on Foot: A Walking Tour of Ballard", brochure, (Seattle, 1979) Department of Community Development.

"50th Anniversary Historical Edition", Outlook newspaper, June 27, 1973.

Greenwood School Students, "A History of Greenwood", (Seattle, 6/3 and 10/19/48) Greenwood Phinney Herald and Aurora Press.

Reinartz, Kay F., ed., Passport to Ballard, (Seattle, 1988) Ballard News Tribune.

Tobin, Caroline C., Historical Survey and Planning Study of Fremont's Commercial Area, (Seattle, 1991) Fremont Neighborhood Council.

Wandrey, Margaret, Four Bridges to Seattle: Old Ballard, 1853-1907, (Seattle, 1975) by the Author.

"Welcome to Fremont--The City's Most Colorful District", (Seattle, 1986) North Seattle Press Special Edition.

Wood, W.D., "Green Lake of Yesterday and Green Lake of Today", (Seattle, 1903) The Green Lake News Anniversary Number.


Bellman, William Goodrich, Montlake -- 2021 and Way Beyond: They Years 1912 to 1994, (Poulsbo, 1997) by the author.

"Central District Historical and Cultural Resources," brochure, 1995, Seattle, Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority.

Miller, Irene Burns, Profanity Hill, (Everett, 1979) Working Press.

Mt. Baker Improvement Club, Flowers We All Love Best in Mt. Baker Park, (Seattle, 1914), reprinted 1987, Gerrard Beatie and Knapp Realtors.

"Pike/Pine: Still an Original," brochure, 1999, Seattle, Merchants of Pike/Pine.

Rainier Valley Citizen, Annual, December, 1915, reprinted, Seattle, 1979, Shorey Bookstore.

Redell, Holly, "Volunteer Park & The Conservatory in Volunteer Park: A Walking Guide," booklet, 1998, Seattle, Friends of the Conservatory.

Rosenberg, Casey, Streetcar Suburb: Architectural Roots of a Seattle Neighborhood (Seattle, 1989) Fanlight Press.

Schaefer, Bill, Living It Up in Leschi: A Humorous Early Day History, ed. by Wade Vaughn, 1996, Seattle, Leschi Community Council.

"Seeing Seattle on Foot: A Walking Tour of First Hill", brochure, (Seattle, 1978) Seattle Department of Community Development.

"Seeing Seattle on Foot: A Walking Tour of Madison Park", brochure, (Seattle, 1978) Seattle Department of Community Development.

"Seeing Southeast Seattle by Bicycle", brochure, (Seattle, 1979) Seattle Department of Community Development.

Summers, Hearst and Van R. Pierson, Columbia City--Back When: Centennial History of Columbia City and Rainier Valley, 1853-1991, (Seattle, 1992) Pioneers of Columbia City and Vicinity.

Sussman, Jerry, City Woods: Stories From the Forests of Puget Sound to the Present Day, (Seattle, 1995) Greater Madison Valley Community Council.

"Survey Report: Central and South Park, 1991 Certified Local Government Planning Grant", (Seattle, 1991) City of Seattle Office of Urban Conservation.

"Take the Tour of Eastlake: Eastlake Home Business & Boat Tour", brochure, (Seattle, n.d.) Eastlake Community Council.

Williams, De Charlene, History of Seattle's Central Area, Vol. I. (Seattle, 1991) Central Area Chamber of Commerce

Vaughn, Wade, A Seattle Leschi Diary, (Seattle, 1982) Leschi Improvement Council, revised ed., 1989, by the Author.


Boyle, Susan, "Lake Union's Industrial Past: A Tour By Bike, Car or Foot", brochure, (Seattle, 1981) Allied Arts of Seattle.

Buerge, David, "Seattle's Delta Country", (Seattle, 7/15/92) Seattle Weekly.

Carlson, Lucile, "Duwamish River: Its Place in the Seattle Industrial Plan," reprinted from Economic Geography, Vol. 26. No. 2, April 1950, pp. 144-154.

Carson, Rob, "Return of the River," Pacific Northwest Magazine, March 1985, p. 30 ff.

Chance, David, The Evolution of Intent at Fort Lawton, (Seattle, 1984) Geo Recon International Report to City of Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

Clark, Donald H., "A Brief History of Lawtonwood on Shilshole Bay in Seattle, Washington," manuscript, n.d., Seattle, Lawtonwood Community Club.

Consolidated South District Clubs, Seattle's South District: A Pictorial Study, (Seattle, 1930) by the Commercial Clubs (copy on file, Des Moines Historical Museum).

Deines, Katrina, "South Seattle's Industrial Area: A Tour of Industrial Architecture", brochure, (Seattle, 1981) Allied Arts of Seattle.

Droker, Howard, Seattle's Unsinkable Houseboats, (Seattle, 1977) Watermark Press.

------, "Hooverville", booklet, (Seattle, 1980) Seattle Public Library, "This City, Seattle" Program.

Dubrow, Gail, and Alexa Berlow, Delridge Community History, 1994, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

Duwamish Diary 1849-1949, (Seattle, 1949) Cleveland High School, reprinted 1973, Shorey Bookstore, reprinted 1997, Cleveland High School.

Eals, Clay, ed., West Side Story, (Seattle, 1987) West Seattle Herald/White Center News.

"Fort Lawton Historic District: Seattle's Threatened Heritage", brochure, (Seattle, n.d.) Fort Lawton Preservation Coalition.

Frare, Aleua L., Magnolia Yesterday and Today, (Seattle, 1976) Magnolia Community Club, reprinted 1993.

Gallo, Nick, "Georgetown: The Neighborhood That Refused to Die", (Seattle, 4/4-10/1984) Seattle Weekly, pp. 29-33.

Jackson, Jesse, "The Story of Hooverville, in Seattle", manuscript on file, Allen Library, University of Washington.

Jensen, Eva, A Century of Transition in School and Community: Lawton Park, Magnolia Bluff, (Seattle, 1987) Seattle Public Schools.

Lentz, Florence K., Fort Lawton: A Record, (Seattle, n.d.) National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region, U.S. Department of the Interior.

Millegan Jaddi Inc., Discovery Park Landmarks: Planning Study--Fort Lawton Historic District in Discovery Park, (Seattle, 1987) Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

Morse, Roy W. and E. Richard Brown, Fautleroy Legacy, (Seattle, 1989) by the Authors (a supplement Fauntleroy Epilogue was also published by Roy Morse, [Seattle,1994]).

Olmsted, John C., Special Report on the Improvement of Fort Lawton Military Reservation, Seattle, Washington, acting for the Seattle Board of Park Commissioners, 1910, Seattle, copy on file, Seattle Public Library.

Olson, John, "Georgetown On My Mind," Seattle Weekly, May 29, 1996, p 18 ff.

Palmer, Ron, "Hard Times on The Hill in the 1930s", Working Paper No. 5, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Seattle Pacific University, May, 1981.

Peterson, June, The Georgetown Story: That Was a Town, 1904-1910, (Seattle, 1979) by the Author.

Queen Anne Historical Society, "Historic Queen Anne Tour No.1", brochure, (Seattle, n.d.) by the Society.

Reinartz, Kay F., ed., Queen Anne: Community on the Hill, (Seattle, 1993) Queen Anne Historical Society.

Roy, Donald Francis, "Hooverville: A Study of A Community of Homeless Men in Seattle", unpublished master of arts thesis, University of Washington, 1935.

Sato, Mike, The Price of Taming a River: The Decline of Puget Sound's Duwamish-Green Waterway, (Seattle, 1997) The Mountaineers.

Southwest Seattle Historical Society, "West Seattle Wanderings: Driving Tour Guide #1", booklet, (Seattle, n.d.) by the Society.

Tobin, Caroline, "Shifting Tides: An Industrial History of Lake Union Traces the City's Boom and Bust Economy", Seattle Weekly, December 9-15, 1987, p. 45 et seq.

------"Lake Union and Ship Canal Historical Use Study", (Seattle, 1986) City of Seattle Water Quality Management Program, Land Use and Transportation Project.

Wilke, Steven and Karen James, An Archaeological Evaluation of the Fort Lawton Historic District, Seattle, (Seattle, 1984) Geo-Recon International Report to City of Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.


Bauroth, Nick et al., History of Belltown, (Seattle, 1998) Cottage Press.

Dorpat, Paul, Ivar's Historical Waterfront Walking Tour, booklet, (Seattle, 1987) Ivars, Inc.

------First Avenue: One Avenue for One Dollar, (Seattle, 1988) Downtown Seattle Association.

Eidsmoe, W. Burton, They Watched Seattle Burn: An Unabridged Compilation of People and Businesses That Were Involved In the Fire That Destroyed Downtown Seattle on June 5 or 6, 1889, 1995, Seattle, by the Author.

Hawkins, Robert, The Old Neighborhood: A Short History of the Intersection of Fifth and Pike Streets, booklet, (Seattle, n.d.) Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association

Haydon, John M., "Off-Beat Guide to the Waterfronts--Seattle and the Pacific Northwest", booklet, (Seattle, 1962) Marine Digest.

Hershman, Marc J. et al., Seattle's Waterfront: The Walker's Guide to the History of Elliott Bay, (Seattle, 1981) Waterfront Awareness.

Hines, Neal O., Denny's Knoll: A History of the Metropolitan Tract in Seattle, (Seattle, 1980) University of Washington Press.

Layman, Earl D., The Sights of Seattle Downtown, A Photographic Tour, (Seattle, 1981) Madrona Press.

Meier, Dennis, Evolution of Seattle's Downtown, December, 1980, City of Seattle Office of Policy and Evaluation Land Use Section.

Olin, Laurie, Breath on the Mirror: Seattle's Skid Road Community, (Seattle, 1972) By the author.

Sayre, J. Willis, The Early Waterfront of Seattle, booklet, (Seattle, n.d.), reprinted, 1971 Shorey Bookstore.

------The Romance of Second Avenue, booklet, (Seattle, 1933), reprinted, Shorey Bookstore.

Spradley, James P., You Owe Yourself A Drunk: An Ethnography of Urban Nomads, (Boston, 1970) Little Brown & Co.

------Downtown Seattle Walking Tours, (Seattle, 1985) Seattle Department of Community Development.

Tarbill, V.V., "Mountain Moving in Seattle," reprinted from Harvard Business Review, July, 1930, pp. 482-489.


A Detailed History of the Corner Market Building and Environs: A Chronicle of Harlan Thomas, Designing Architect, (Seattle, 1975) Seattle Department of Community Development.

Evans, Jack, Little History of Pike Place Market, booklet, (Seattle, 1991) SCW Publications.

Focke, Anne, Sustaining A Vital Downtown Community: A Study of the Market Foundation, (Seattle, 1987) Market Foundation

Gee, Nancy, Reflections on Pike Place Markets, (Seattle, 1968) Superior Publishing Company.

Gustafson, Egill Oscar, The Pike Place Market, (Puyallup, 1971) Valley Press, Inc.

"The History of Japanese American Farmers in the Pike Place Market," brochure, 1999, Seattle, Japanese American Citizens League.

Maedler, Rick, "Preservation of Small Scale Agriculture Near A Metropolitan Area: The Case of Market Gardening and The Pike Place Farmers' Market in Seattle, Washington" unpublished master of arts thesis, Western Washington University, Bellingham.

Pike Place Market Merchants Association, The Market Notebook, (Seattle, 1978) Pike Place Market Merchants Association.

"Pike Place Public Market Seattle", brochure, (n.p.n.d.)

"Pike Plaza Survey and Planning Application", April, 1965.

Seattle Department of Community Development, Pike Place Market, (Seattle, 1972) Seattle DCD.

------Pike Place Urban Renewal Plan, (Seattle, 1974) Seattle DCD.

------Pike Place Design Report , (Seattle, 1974) Seattle DCD.

------A Decade of Change: A Final Report On The Redevelopment of the Pike Place Market, (Seattle, 1983) Seattle DCD.

King, David, "The Pike Place Market Initiative", in Grass Roots Handbook: A Manual For CItizen Activists, (Seattle, 1979) Metrocenter YMCA.

Martin, Sheryl A., ed., The Market Book: A Guide To The Pike Place Market In Seattle, (Seattle, 1986) Market Book Publications.

------ et al., Pike Place Market Seattle, (Seattle, 1986) Market Book Publishing Company.

Seattle Department of Community Development, "Seeing Seattle on Foot: A Walking Tour of Pike Place Market", brochure, (Seattle, 1978) by the Department.

Sharp, Joan, Hatch, Walter and Will Hatch, Good Pride: A Story of the Pike Place Market Farmers, (Seattle, 1979) Market Oral History Project.

Shorett, Alice and Morgan, Murray, The Pike Place Market: People Politics and Produce, (Seattle, 1982) Pacific Search Press.

Sidran, Mark Morris, "Middle Class Urban Political Conflict: The Case of Seattle", bachelor of arts thesis, Harvard University, 1973..

Steinbrueck, Victor, Market Sketchbook, (Seattle, 1968) University of Washington Press.

Tobey, Mark, World of A Market, (Seattle, 1964) University of Washington Press.

Wehrwein, George S., Public Markets in the State of Washington, Bulletin No. 1, October, 1918, Office of Farm Markets, State College of Washington and Bureau of Markets, U.S.D.A.

Yeager, Michael and Sarah Clementson, An Insider's Tour of the Market, (Seattle, 1991) Studio Solstone.


Bever, Dola, Pioneer Square Walking Tour, booklet, (Seattle, 1979) Assistance League of Seattle.

City of Seattle, "Mayor's Walking Tour of Pioneer Square", typescript, n.d.n.p.

Crowley, Walt, The Compleat Browser's Guide to Pioneer Square, booklet, (Seattle, 1979) Pioneer Square Merchant's Committee.

Morgan, Criss, Pioneer Square Nostalgia & Guide Book, (Seattle, 1973) Pioneer Square Restoration Society.

Harmony Graphics, Inc., "Let Us Show You Pioneer Square", booklet, (Seattle, 1976) Seattle King County Convention and Visitor's Bureau.

Speidel, Bill, "Seattle Underground", booklet, (Seattle, 1968) Underground Tours.


Allied Arts of Seattle, Impressions of Imagination: Terra Cotta Seattle, (Seattle, 1986) Allied Arts.

Anderson, T.B., "Architecture and Seattle Theater", Northwest On Stage, August, 1993, pp.16-18.

Anglin, Rob, "Report on Bungalows in Seattle", (Seattle, 1979) Seattle Office of Urban Conservation.

Bain, William J. and Mildred C., Building Together, A Memoir of Our Lives in Seattle, (Seattle, 1991) Beckett Publishing Company.

Boyle, Susan and Katrina Deines, The Industrial Shed in Seattle: An Architectural View , unpublished master of arts thesis, University of Washington, 1979.

Calvert, Frank ed., Homes and Gardens of the Pacific Coast: Volume 1, (Seattle, 1913) Beaux Arts Society Publishers, reprinted several times.

Coast Magazine, Vol. 11, 1905-6, (series on Seattle house types).

Crane, Carla S. et al., Seattle Metropolitan Area Today 1983, (Seattle, 1983) Urban Land Institute.

Crowley, Walt, National Trust Guide Seattle: America's Guide for Architecture and History Travelers, (New York, 1998) John Wiley & Sons.

Cunningham, Michael, "A Photographic Comparison of Selected Northwest Residential Architecture for the 1940s and 1950s", unpublished master of arts thesis, University of Washington, 1976.

Gault, Lila, The House Next Door, Seattle's Neighborhood Architecture, (Seattle, 1981) Pacific Search Press.

Jeffery, Patricia, "Urban Conservation: A Bibliography", Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, Department of Community Development. n.d.

John Graham and Company, The First 80 Years, (Seattle, 1980) by the Company.

Kemp-Slaughter, James, "Glovebox Guide to Washington's Historic Houses", booklet, (Seattle, 1992) Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority.

Kreisman, Lawrence, Apartments By Anhalt, (Seattle, 1978) Seattle Office of Urban Conservation, reprinted, 1982, Kreisman Exhibit Design.

------, Art Deco Seattle, (Seattle, 1979) Allied Arts of Seattle.

------, Historic Preservation in Seattle, (Seattle, 1985) Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority.

------, The Stimson Legacy: Architecture in the Urban West, 1992, Seattle, Willows Press.

Johnson, Catherine Joy, Olmsted in the Pacific Northwest: Private Estates and Residential Communities 1873-1959, 1997, Seattle, Friends of Seattle's Olmsted Parks.

Lambert, Steve, Built By Anhalt, (Seattle, 1982) Harstine House.

Larson, Suzanne B., History of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, (Seattle, 1976) King County Arts Commission and King County Department of Public Works.

Lentz, Florence K., Centennial Snapshots: Historic Places Around King County from the First Twenty-five Years of Statehood, (Seattle, 1991) Northwest Interpretive Association.

Mumford, Esther Hall, "Blacks and King County's Building Treasury", brochure, (Seattle, 1989) Seattle Public Library.

Nyberg, Folke and Victor Steinbrueck, An Urban Resource Inventory for Seattle, (Seattle, 1975) Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority (includes a series of 16 neighborhood inventory maps).

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, et al., Shaping Seattle Architecture: A Historical Guide to the Architects, (Seattle, 1994) University of Washington Press and Seattle Chapter American Institute of Architects.

Owen, John Jr., "The Evolution of the Popular House in Seattle", unpublished master of arts thesis, University of Washington, 1975.

Pearson, Charles et al., "Elements of the Northwest Style", Pacific Northwest Magazine, March 1993, pp.36-44.

Seattle Chapter American Institute of Architects, Action: Better City, (Seattle, 1968) Seattle AIA.

Steinbrueck, Victor, Seattle Architecture, 1850-1953, booklet, (N. Y., 1953) Reinhold Publishing Co.

------Seattle Cityscape, (Seattle, 1962) University of Washington Press.

------Seattle Cityscape #2, (Seattle, 1973) University of Washington Press.

Stevenson, Jim, Seattle Firehouses of the Horsedrawn and Early Motor Era, (Seattle, 1972)

Vaughan, Thomas, ed., Space, Style and Structure: Building in Northwest America, 2 Vols. (Portland OR, 1974) Oregon Historical Society.

Waterman, T. T., Indian Houses of Puget Sound, (N.Y., 1921) Museum of the American Indian.

Western Architect, July, 1909, Vol. 14, (Seattle Issue)

Woodbridge, Sally B., A Guide to Architecture in Washington State, (Seattle, 1980) University of Washington Press.

Yoho, Judd, The Bungalow Craftsman (magazine) 1910s, Seattle, Crafstman Publishers, copies on file, Seattle Public Library.



Avner, Jane A. and Meta Buttnick, "Historic Jewish Seattle: A Tour Guide", booklet, (Seattle, 1995) Washington State Jewish Historical Society.

Buerge, David, "Seattle Before Seattle", Seattle Weekly, January 4, 1989. p. 24 ff.

------"Seattle's Sacred Places", Seattle Weekly, October 28, 1981, p. 20 ff.

------"The King County Wars", Seattle Weekly, February 8-14, 1984, p. 26 ff.

------"Indian Lake Washington", Seattle Weekly, August 1-7, 1984, p. 29 ff.

------"Requiem for a River", Seattle Weekly, October 16-22, 1985, p. 33 ff.

------"Sacred Burien", Seattle Weekly, January 4, 1989, p. 24 ff.

Chew, Ron, ed., Reflections of Seattle's Chinese Americans: The First Hundred Years, (Seattle, 1994) University of Washington Press.

Chin, Doug and Peter Bacho, "The International District: History of an Urban, Ethnic Neighborhood in Seattle" (Seattle, 1987) International Examiner.

Churchill, Thomas, Triumph Over Marcos, (Seattle, 1995) Open Hand Publishing.

Cordova, Fred, Filipinos: Forgotten Asian Americans: A Pictorial Essay, 1763--Circa 1963, (Dubuque, 1983) Demonstration Project for Asian Americans and Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.

Droker, Howard, " A Coat of Many Colors: A History of Seattle's Jewish Community", in Portage Magazine, Historical Society of Seattle and King County, Vol. 4 No. 2, Spring 1983.

Dubrow, Gail, et al. Historic Context for the Protection of Asian/Pacific American Resources in Washington State, (Olympia, 1993) Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Department of Community Development.

------, A Plan for the Protection of Asian/Pacific American Heritage in King County, Washington, (Seattle, 1995) For the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission.

Haeberlin, Hermann and Erna Gunther, The Indians of Puget Sound, (Seattle, 1930) University of Washington Press (many reprints).

Hayes, Ralph, History of African Americans in Washington State, (Seattle, 1989) Bon Marche.

Henry, Mary, Tribute: Seattle Public Places Named For Black People, (Seattle, 1997) Statice Press.

Ito, Kazuo, Issei: A History of Japanese Immigrants in North America, (Seattle/Tokyo, 1973) Japanese Community Service.

The Jewish Experience in Washington State: A Chronology 1833-1995, (1998, Seattle) Washington State Jewish Historical Society.

Miyamoto, S. Frank Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle, (Seattle, 1981) Asian American Studies Program, University of Washington.

Mumford, Esther Hall, Seattle's Black Victorians, 1852-1901, (Seattle, 1980) Ananse Press.

-----, Calabash: A Guide to the History, Culture & Art of African Americans in Seattle and King County, Washington, (Seattle, 1993) Ananse Press.

------, Black Heritage Survey of Washington State, (Olympia, 1985) Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

Schmid, Calvin F. Growth and Distribution of Minority Races in Seattle, Washington (Seattle, 1964) Seattle Public Schools.

Takami, David, Divided Destiny: A History of Japanese Americans in Seattle, (1998, Seattle) Wing Luke Asian Museum and University of Washington Press.

Taylor, Quintard, The Forging of a Black Community: Seattle's Central District From 1870 Through the Civil Rights Era, (Seattle, 1994) University of Washington Press.

"A Walking Tour of the International District in Seattle," brochure, (Seattle, 1997) Wing Luke Asian Museum.

Waterman, T.T., Notes on the Ethnology of the Indians of Puget Sound, Indian Notes and Monographs Miscellaneous Series No. 59, (N.Y., 1973) Museum of the American Indian/Heye Foundation.

White, Sid et al., Peoples of Washington, (Pullman, 1989) Washington State University.

Yoshitomi, Joan et al., Asians in the Northwest: An Annotated Bibliography, (Seattle, 1975) Northwest Asian American Studies Group, University of Washington.


Anderson, Judy, Gail Lee Dubrow, John Kovall et al., The Library Book: A Century of the Seattle Public Library, 1991, Seattle, Seattle Arts Commission.

Andrews, Mildred Tanner, Seattle Women: A Legacy of Community Development--A Pictorial History 1851-1920, (Seattle, 1984) YWCA of Seattle.

------Woman's Place: A Guide to Seattle and King County History, (Seattle, 1994) Gemil Press.

Blanchard, Leslie, The Street Railway Era in Seattle: A Chronicle of Six Decades, (Forty Fort PA, 1968) Harold E. Cox.

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By Charles Payton

Revised 6/99

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