Keyword(s): Kathleen Moles
Everson is located in the Nooksack River valley of northern Whatcom County, some 15 miles northeast of Bellingham. The site of a long-established village of the Nooksack Indian Tribe, the area saw set...
Ferndale is located in western Whatcom County approximately six miles northwest of Bellingham; the Nooksack River runs through the city. At a juncture where the Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian Tribe, an...
One of the first women to practice law in Seattle and the first to represent the 44th District in the state senate, Lady Willie Forbus was a liberal Democrat, nicknamed the Steel Magnolia for her tena...
On June 12, 1912, after a long and storied life filled with adventures, William "Blanket Bill" Jarman (1820-1912) dies at the home of his niece in Ferndale, Whatcom County. Beginning with his year of ...
On May 24, 1919, Lady Willie Forbus is admitted to the Washington State Bar Association. She becomes one of the first women to practice law in Seattle, and for the next 10 years will be the only woman...
On May 4, 1929, the Whatcom County town of Everson incorporates. Located on the banks of the Nooksack River, about 15 miles northeast of the county seat of Bellingham, the town was founded on the site...
On February 6, 2018, owners of the Louisa Hotel in Seattle's Chinatown/International District lead local media on a tour of murals depicting the city's once-vibrant underground jazz-club scene, which ...