Keyword(s): Karen Prasse
Camano Island is the second largest of the dozens of islands in the northern Puget Sound that were formed by glacial deposits during the last Ice Age. Encompassing about 40 square miles, the isla...
Stanwood is located in northwest Snohomish County at the mouth of the old channel of the Stillaguamish River. Most of the town is on the river delta and in recent years it has begun to grow to the ea...
In the summer of 1871, William Moore (1833-1913) and other farmers commission work to begin building a major portion of a three-mile dike from Stanwood (northeastern Snohomish County) north toward Mil...
On October 12, 1891, the international railroad connection between Seattle and New Westminster, British Columbia, is made when the two lines meet just south of Stanwood, about two miles north of the S...
On September 29th, 1903, 74 of the 90 male voters of the district approve the municipal incorporation of Stanwood as a town of the fourth class. Stanwood is located at the mouth of the Stillaguamish R...
On August 7, 1909, highway officials dedicate a swing bridge linking Camano Island to Stanwood. This is the first bridge connecting the island to the mainland, but not the last. Forty years later, the...
On May 27, 1939, Crown Prince Olav of Norway attends the dedication of the Toftezen Memorial. Stanwood and East Stanwood dedicate the massive granite monument in honor of the first Norwegian settler t...
On July 27, 1949, more than 500 Stanwood and Camano Island residents participate in a unique community effort to build a park in one day. The effort, organized by the South Camano Grange, results in c...