Keyword(s): Julie Van Pelt
Forks, a small town in the northwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula in an area called the West End, is one of three incorporated cities in Clallam County. It sits within traditional Quileute Indian l...
On June 4, 1909, officers and cadets of the Japanese Navy cruisers Aso and Soya take part in Japanese Navy Day at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific (A-Y-P) Exposition. The exposition took place on the Universi...
On August 3, 1940, the Todd Shipyards Corporation launches the C-1 freighter Cape Alava from the company's Port of Tacoma shipyard on the Blair Waterway. It is the first ship built at the Todd Tacoma ...
On August 7, 1945, the Town of Forks incorporates in a vote of 129 for and 99 against. The town thus becomes one of only three incorporated places in predominantly rural Clallam County on the Olympic ...
On January 19, 1946, the first public library in Forks opens in an unused room of the town's elementary school. As a branch of the county's Clallam Rural Library, it has an initial collection of 600 b...
On June 4, 1976, with the loading of its vessel Great Land in Tacoma, Totem Ocean Trailer Express (TOTE) signals a move of its operations from the Port of Seattle to the Port of Tacoma in order to kee...
On May 23, 1991, Forks businesses except city offices and banks close as residents travel en masse to Olympia to take part in a rally protesting critical habitat protections for the northern spotted o...
On January 28, 2005, the Port of Tacoma's new $210 million Pierce County Terminal on the Blair Waterway opens officially to wide acclaim. The 171-acre container terminal is the largest in the Port's 8...
On July 2, 2006, the 500-foot Kaiser Aluminum smokestack -- 38-year fixture on the Tacoma waterfront -- is demolished to make room for Port of Tacoma expansion of marine terminals along the Blair Wate...
On September 13, 2007, Forks celebrates Stephenie Meyer Day. The Forks City Council adopted a resolution proclaiming the day in honor of the author whose vampire novels set in Forks are a teen phenome...
On July 3, 2008, more than two dozen Tall Ships -- among them topsail schooners, brigantines, and gaff-rigged schooners -- sail from Quartermaster Harbor on Vashon Island into Commencement Bay for the...