Keyword(s): John Keane
Gaelic football is the summertime focus of the Irish Heritage Society. This is a distinctively Irish sport combining elements of soccer, Australian football, and rugby. Usually played "15-a-side" with...
When the nieces of Bridget Aylward arrived in Seattle, there was already a fledgling Irish club here, then called the American Association for Recognition of the Irish Republic. (Bridget Aylward retir...
This People's History was contributed by John Keene, president of the Irish Heritage Society. Besides playing Gaelic football, Irish dancing had been one way that people born in Ireland could pass on ...
By 1982, the Irish-American Club, Irish Festivities, and the Seattle Gaels were all going strong, but many times their activities clashed. Because of the cross-membership, there was much duplication o...
Until a few years ago, the numbers of young Irish-born people annually migrating to Seattle had increased substantially, attracted by its hip reputation and lifestyle as well as the employment opportu...
According to land claim records, as of 1856, approximately one in 12 claims in Washington Territory were made by Irish-born settlers. The majority of these people came to the United States both before...
Though the Irish in Seattle have always celebrated St. Patrick's Day, there was no official St. Patrick's Day Parade in Seattle until 1972. Before (and after) that first official procession, the late ...