Keyword(s): Greg Lange and Alan J. Stein
On June 1, 1907, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition groundbreaking ceremonies are held at the south end of the University of Washington campus in Seattle. One hundred acres of old-growth Douglas firs are...
On August 21, 1964, the Beatles give their first concert in Washington state. They played at the Seattle Center Coliseum to 14,300 screaming fans. The stage is raised 12 feet for the Beatles' protecti...
On July 12, 1968, Eugene McCarthy wins the cheers of Washington State Democratic Convention Delegates in Tacoma, but Hubert Humphrey takes their votes, creating bitter divisions in the party.
On August 15, 1968, presidential hopeful Senator Eugene McCarthy (1916-2005) campaigns in Seattle.
On September 10, 1968, ASUW (Associated Students of the University of Washington) president Thom Gunn has his locks shorn to "come clean for Gene" McCarthy. Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy (1916-200...
On October 12, 1968, Alabama Governor George Wallace campaigns in Seattle while California Governor Ronald Reagan, in support of Republican presidential nominee Richard Nixon, addresses a Medal of Hon...